Mt. Eden Computer Applications I Class...
This is your class web page for today... |
Welcome to Mr. Lavendel's Computer Applications I Class!This is your FIRST class web page... |
I am not here today.Got a little healing to do from some surgery...I will be seeing you in a week or so on or around Monday, August 26th.For now hang with your SUB...
And create your account.
Class Syllabus
OK. OK. Yes... That is a really bad Dad Joke!That's who I am.
See the Syllabus Google slides or PDF (in Google Classroom) in the provided worksheet answer the questions about this class and turn it in. |
Reflect on Learning:
Class Archive Week of August 15, 2022 – August 19, 2022Missed a class? Want to redo a test or quiz? Check out what we did, what you missed and get caught up...
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