Mt. Eden Computer Applications II & Media Class

dd Photoshop Assignment 3...

You learned how to make composite image in Photoshop using selections, masks, adjustment layers, layer style effects and text. Now, let's see what you picked up. Your task is to recreate this image:


You will need these files, click on the links one at a time and SAVE them onto your computer and then OPEN them in Photoshop:







  • The Lion is the background layer.

  • The MonarchButterfly and KingRichardIII are cut out using masks. The butterfly with a precise selection (quick selection tool) and the king with a loose selection (lasso tool).

  • KingRichardIII is made gray with an Adjustment Layer and the Inner Glow style is set to blue with a Color blend mode.

  • The MonarchButterfly Inner Shadow style is set to an angle of 135º and Drop Shadow style is set to an angle of 135º, Distance 12, Spread 1 and Size 18.

  • The flourish is added directly onto the background (Lion layer) with the Clone Stamp tool set to Difference Mode and 20% Opacity.

  • The text layer is on top.


TURN IN the completed assignment in GOOGLE CLASSROM.


This assignment is worth 50 Assignment points.

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