The next SECTION, the sixth section, AFTER YOUR COVER LETTER should be titled: “Preparation” Make that Heading 1 style.
Under “Questions for Me” Heading 2 style.
You will need to anticipate the questions that you think that you will be asked about:
- Your academic background.
- Any jobs, internships or experiences that you have had in the past, especially ones that have given you the experience you need to do this particular job.
- The company or organization where you are applying for work.
- The Job Description.
Write down THREE questions that you think that you will be asked and a brief answer that you will give to that question.
Under “Questions to Ask” Heading 2 style.
You need to prepare questions that you will ask about:
- The company or organization where you are applying for work.
- The Job itself.
Write down TWO questions that you plan to ask. For example, you might ask about what you might be doing, a typical day at work, what kind of or how much training you will receive, if there will be opportunities for advancement...
Under “Challenges” Heading 2 style.
To answer the question: “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” it is best to just give an example of a challenge that you faced and overcame in the past. You need to be prepared to give 2 or 3 examples of challenges that you have faced in the past.
- On the job, in an internship, school, or a school-related activity....
Write down the story of ONE of those challenges:
- Describe what happened.
- Explain why you were challenged and how you resolved the challenge, for better or worse.
- Describe what lessons did you learn from the experience
REMEMBER: this is your document, you choose what fonts, sizes, styles, colors, layout, graphics and picture to use. Be creative. Be you.