Make sure that you are presentable during your interview. Clean cloths, hair and nails are essential. Think about wearing solid colors. Don't wear flashy colors, cloths with writing on them and hats.
- wear slacks, dresses or skirts (keep them just above the knee, with natural colored stockings).
- NO see through clothing.
- heals should be no higher than 2 inches.
- purses should be small or medium in size.
- wear clean (pressed) shirts and slacks. If you wear a coat and tie, make sure that your tie is not too "loud" and that your socks match your shoes and pants.
- If you don't wear a coat and tie, wear a dress shirt or polo shirt and slacks. No jeans, over size pants that come below the soles of your shoes, no sagging.
- if you have long hair, if you think that it will go against you think about cutting it (or maybe looking for another place to work). Otherwise, comb it back into a neat ponytail or braids.