Mt. Eden Media Class YNCTSFWR Homework Page...

Your Not Coming To School For Whatever Reason

This is the link to the media class web page for today...

Here are the links to the assignments and quizes that you will need to complete by November 17, 2011...

Email me with questions or for help...

Mr. Lavendel

Homework instructions...

If I have specific insructions for you in particular look here:

Click Here-->

Good Luck!

Remember that I believe in you and your capabilities. You are a very bright and capable person, and if you decide to apply yourself to your education—to this class in particular—then you will get the job done, and done well!

Your job now is is to stay on task, take this time to learn and do your work. I look forward to your return . Come back refoucused, energised and hopefull.

Mr. Lavendel

Class Archives

Missed a class? Want to redo a test or quiz? Check out what we did, what you missed and get caught up...

Click Here>> Archives

(Test/quiz days in red)